Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Few Pictures

We just took these late this afternoon and this evening after we had Thai food and ice cream for dinner. Thought I would add them right quick before we lose our internet.



Anonymous said...

Hooray! Olivia looks so happy in all of the pictures. You guys look pretty happy yourselves. I'm so glad to hear you had a good day. Hopefully you'll be able to get the early flight back. I'm know everyone at home is anxious to see you.

Anonymous said...

so good to hear you had a good day and olivia looks so super cute!!!


Anonymous said...

What a great blog entry! Olivia is adorable!!!!!!!!!!

Amy Holland

TracyMcGal said...

I love that Olivia looks so relaxed. Hope we can meet up before you leave. We will be at the Amari around noon Monday (tomorrow). YIPEE only two more nights before we go home!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Brian and Leah,
What an exciting adventure you guys have been on these past few days! Olivia is beautiful and you guys look so happy together. Hope that your trip home goes without a hitch. You guys are real troopers. We are very excited to see all of you soon! We are praying for you.
Jim and Julie Thrash