Saturday, November 7, 2009

Still Here

Ian seems to be a little better today. No fever, and his x-ray from this morning looked better. He was so compacted though that they think part of his breathing problems have been due to that. They gave him an enema yesterday and today, so I think that has given his diaphram some relief so he can take deeper breaths.

The nurses are in the process of a shift change, and we just now noticed that the IV had come loose and his medicine has not been going in at all. Hopefully it hasn't been leaking too long, but they are getting ready to do a new IV in a minute. Also, his arm is swelling because of the IV, so they just packed his arm. Well, at least his x-ray looked better, and he also smiled a couple of times. The nurses could not get the new IV in so they are bringing in an anesthesiologist in a few minutes to insert the new IV. That will be a relief. We are trying to get medicine down orally so I need to help out. We will try to update again later.

1 comment: said...

Leah, definitely on my thoughts...thank you for posting.