Friday, February 1, 2008

A Break From Painting

I thought I would take a little break from painting Olivia's room and write an update. We thought the new pictures were the cutest things! I think everyone is in agreement that there may be some drama in our future! We can't wait to meet this little bundle of personality! Although I think she looks big in the pictures, she only weighs about 18 lbs and is 31 inches at 19 months. Many of the kids are small, so we're expecting her to be little.

We've done some shopping the last week or so- bought her a couple of bathing suits, something to wear home on the plane, and a few toys for our first meeting, which is in a hotel meeting room. We're now at two weeks and 6 days, and the time has been going pretty quickly. I sewed 32 bows on her bedskirt the last two days and am going to attempt to put a wall hanging together after I finish painting. It seems like I can always find "one more thing" to do! Oh, we also booked our hotel at Hua Hin, which is a beach resort a few hours from Bangkok. We're looking forward to spending the weekend there.

It has been a lot of fun emailing and talking to the other two families that will be in Thailand with us. One is from Oregon and the other from Mississippi. It's also been fun keeping up with our neighbors who are supposed to be returning from China today with their little girl, Cathryn Grace. I told the mom I wouldn't come over until she invited me, but that I'd sure be looking out our front window about 6:00 this evening when they should be pulling in! What a coincidence we moved into a house across the street from them! Olivia will have a playmate right away! No one will understand what anyone else says, but it will be fun watching them learn to communicate with each other. . . and us!

Ian's 7th birthday is coming up on the 12th, and I'm almost positive I heard him sing the Birthday Song yesterday! He loves to sing, and although he doesn't talk, he uses some syllable/sound to sing the tune. It's very sweet, and we are very proud of any accomplishment. They are all a big deal to us! He has recently learned to kiss us good night and that is HUGE. It almost makes my cry writing it. Anyway, I'm including one of the pictures of him we took on Christmas Eve, when we had an unexpected hotel stay in Oklahoma. I can't wait for Ian and Olivia to get to swim together this summer. Ian loves it, so I hope Olivia does too.

I guess I better get back to the painting- or maybe I'll eat lunch first. That sounds like a better idea!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leah,Brian,and Olivia. Just wanted you to know that Ian had a good time in bible class Sunday!Landon use the car puppet again with Ian, and he had fun. Ian also stood up by his self and played with Landon. He kept wanting to get in landon's lap. It was cute to see. Praying for you guys and your return back. In Christian Love, Robin Pierce.