Sunday, January 6, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?!

It's amazing how fast the time passes. I must remember that when I anxiously look at my calendar every day and count down the (predicted) number of days until we bring Olivia home! I say "predicted" because we continue to wait for an exact travel date. Hopefully, there will be news this week! Making preparations for her arrival has been fun and seems to help pass the time. Yesterday a friend helped me look for toddler beds, and Wednesday we will go to Jackson, MS to resubmit our fingerprints. Because Brian had some scheduled meetings in Bogalusa, LA, which isn't far from Jackson, we'll spend the rest of the week with him. As I may have mentioned in my last post, Ian loves staying in hotels and traveling, so he'll enjoy running around too- and we can check off another week closer!

As far as other news, Ian had an appointment with Shriners the other day and was fitted for new leg splints. We're looking forward to getting those next Monday and ordering a walker for him to use at school. He is able to use a cane and walk while holding someones hand, but tends to sit down often. The school, much to our disappointment, resorted to pushing him in a wheelchair to make it easier for them to get him to the classes in which he is mainstreamed. Hopefully, a walker with a seat will be recommended so that when he does sit down, he will still have to make some effort to get to his class- instead of just sitting back in a wheelchair while someone pushes him around. He's got it made right now!

Since Ian returns to school tomorrow, I've got to get busy on the women's church retreat. This is my second year to co-lead it, and since I'll be out of pocket for several weeks, I need to get the majority of the work done now. I've got a great partner to work with, and although she is very busy, she is a pleasure to work with.

A follow-up to the tire swing installation: All went well, and Ian LOVES it. He has fallen through the tire twice, but while he was still down he signaled "more" (by clapping his hands twice)! He's tough and I'm not sure there is anything that could dampen his enthusiasm for swinging!

Happy New Year!



Anonymous said...

Leah, after a very busy December and two weeks in Baltimore to stay with my grandchildren, I am just now getting a chance to catch up on your amazing journey. I hope you are printing/saving the blog for Olivia to read someday. She will really feel loved after seeing what all went into getting her to your family. I wish you a blessed new year and hope your travel permission comes soon. Terri Woodward

Anonymous said...

You are a very talented writer. I found your blog very interesting and your pictures of Olivia show a very beautiful baby girl. Mom forwarded an e-mail that your mom sent to her, that's how I found your blog. I will keep track of your journey through it. I would like to correspond with you through e-mail and update you on my kids and life. I had no idea you were in Louisiana! That was a shock. Anyway, if you would like to e-mail me my address is
Take care, Melissa H.

Anonymous said...

Oh Leah - what amazing gift you have to have a family right across from you with an adopted child as well - that bond will be invaluable - I know I'm hanging on to my friends with AC so tight for understanding!!!

Can't wait to meet you in person in Thailand!!!